驻留计划自2013年起进行首次招募, 2013年,25名青年艺术家从众多应募中脱颖而出,获得入驻资格,成为首批四川美术学院青年驻留艺术家。2014年7月,第二批39名来自国内外艺术院校毕业的青年艺术家经过层层遴选后成为川美驻留艺术家,并入驻川美虎溪公社工作室。2015年,第三批30位来自国内外高等艺术院校的青年艺术家亦是经过严格选拔,进入2015-2016年度的驻留计划。迄今为止,已经资助了来自英国、德国、日本、台湾地区以及国内川美、央美、国美、鲁美、广美等十余所高校的艺术类毕业生近百名,成功举办20余场展览与沙龙讲座,受到了广泛的社会关注。
Introduction of Young Artists’ Residency Program of SCFAI
Since the new century, more and more young students go to the art academies to study art, at thesame time, an increasing number of young artists have entered the society from the academies. The flourish of high education in the arts is reassuring, but the pressure of market and employment had forced many young artistic talents just graduated to give up the art, which is really a pity for higher arts education, especially the development of Chinese culture. To encourage and promote arts colleges graduates to conduct academic research work in the academic field and carry out the continuing academic research to explore the creation of a more fruitful innovation results. So Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts established "Young Artists in Residence" based on the early exploration of the oil painting department. According to the school principal professor Luo Zhongli, breaking the institutional obstacles, holding the project of "give a hand, give a ride" for the young students who just graduatedartistic ideals and artistic talent.
"Young Artists in Residence" for all young college graduates around the world and even young artists with artistic ideals and artistic talent, to build a springboard towards the art ocean ship for more arts students . On the one hand, resident artists enjoy the treatment of students, on the other hand, schools also offer the free studio with the standard of 30 square meters per person for young artists, as well as creative financing funds 1000 yuan / person per month. Meanwhile, the school build a platform for the growth of young artists, organizing academic salon, expert guidance, academic exhibitions, Results published and issued, works with the auction, employment and other forms.
Meanwhile,the school build a platform for the growth of young artists, organizing academic salon, expert guidance, academic exhibitions, Results published and issued,works with the auction, employment and other forms.The first batch of 20 young artists stand out from a number of undergraduate and graduate students and graduating with previous graduates, accessing to project financing in 2013.The university has conducted a panel studio onthespot guidance, holding the academic salons. Besides, the school had hosted “Metamorphosis·Square and Circle Emerged — Sichuan fine arts institute resident artists exhibition” and published the exhibition brochures. The exhibition received more than 30 media widely reported inside and outside the city."Give a hand, give a lift" produced a significant benefit, young resident artist widely invited to participate in the exhibition.Young artist Zhang Zengzeng gained Newcomer award on "New StarFestival" during resides and South Weekend, CCTV international has carried on the special report to him. Young artist residency program in Sichuan academy of fine arts has attract high attention in China higher fine arts colleges, and the program will further open to China's eight major academy of fine arts in 2014.
We think that the work of "Give a hand, Give a lift” from "Young Artists in Residence in Sichuan fine arts institute" for young artists is not only the innovation in higher art education training mode , but also powering art diversified development for the aspects of art mechanism reform, undertaking the social responsibility to promote the development of art colleges and universities. The educational tradition of opening, reward new in Sichuan fine arts institute with freedom will certainly make generations of young artists get enough nourishment from here, delivering more and better talent to depict the beautiful Chinese dream!